Tuesday 12 October 2010

Monday 11 October 2010

My Design Process

I use various techniques to develop my design process, many of which lead to a trial and error scenario but from this I can use my previous knowledge to create more in depth work. For this piece of work, I’ll analyse my design process for A Level media, in which I had to create a music video. Just like my work now, all my ideas and templates were written on a blog, therefore allowing myself to have easy access to all previous thoughts and opinions. I found this method of recording my written work to be very useful as it represents an accurate portfolio because my ideas are written down as soon as possible.
I used websites to research into the required agenda, while using other websites like ‘slideshare’ to record PowerPoint presentations. I often find having some of my information in a number of visual formats helps keep to motivated to read back through them. This is extremely helpful because I continuously look back at my previous work as it shows how the original idea has changed into, hopefully, something new and improved.
            Sketching regularly helps me to transfer my initial ideas onto paper as I find drawing relaxing and therefore allows my mind to drift for new ideas. I also find talking to fellow students about their own ideas; while discussing my own can help me develop my original thoughts to create something better and more sufficient.
            To test my ideas and work, I created feedback forms for an audience to anonymously complete to enable me to see what aspects were good and what needed improving.
            I also find comparing to my work to fellow peers and to the real life media gave me an opinion if mine was substantial enough, and if not, again allowed me to change any aspect I felt required work. 

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Hello Multimedia....

Well here's my first post in what I can only hope is the process of me developing my skills within the subject and therefore finding a career later on in life. I'm 19 originally from Peterborough now living in Nottingham.

So far the course seems interesting even though we've just scraped the surface of what's to come. Next blog to follow very soon!