Sunday, 5 May 2013

artefact 1

Artefact 1 was a survey to initially establish an audiences opinion and preferences on stereoscopic 3D.

Key results -

  • 33 participants. 
  •  Majority age - 18-24 (Every participant had seen a form of stereoscopic 3D whether at home or at the cinema)
  • 67% female
  • The majority of participants would prefer to watch a film in 2D or it depends on the genre of the production.
  • Old 2D movies should NOT be re-released in 3D
  • Having to wear 3D glasses is a key disadvantage to 3D viewing
  • Out of passive/active/anaglyph and glasses free 3D, people prefer passive and active the most and dislike Anaglyph the most.
  • Prefer to watch action/adventure film in 3D (highest choice)
  • Romance = watch in 2D
key notes from participants -

  • 3D more of a trend to demonstrate latest technology rather than add to film experience
  • Too many 2D films being re-released in 3D. Participant says converted films don't look good.
  • Films 'Avatar', 'The Amazing Spiderman' and 'Hugo' = very good 3D films. Able to immerse self into film and feel like in their world.
Self reflection on results

The results helped to establish a strong basis of the general public's opinions and preferences with stereoscopic 3D.  The high amount of participants stating they’d prefer to watch a film in 2D rather than 3D was a slight surprise. To begin with, when I conducted an initial gender preference for 3D films, males scored 80% preferring with females at 53%. Therefore I expected a higher percentage than the 27% overall I received in my subsequent survey when asking 3D/2D preference. 3D movies have gained such high revenue from cinema viewers, this was expected to reflect in the results. As this new ‘wave’ of 3D production is not at the very initial beginning stage, perhaps if the survey was completed around the same time Avatar (2009) was released, there may have been a change in answers. As well as this, the results cannot be directly compared. The first survey asked purely 3D/2D or not sure. The second survey added a fourth option of 'dependent on the film genre' and 30% ticked this option. The results could pre-empt a strong genre bias between 2D and 3D films. Another result that surprised me was the vast dislike of wearing 3D glasses. I’ve personally never found it a problem of having to wear them, however, this was the most problematic feature for 3D. Could this mean glasses free 3D is the future of 3D viewing? Feedback suggested a strong opinion on what genres work with 3D and which do not. An area that went bad was that the survey was completed by 67% of females. Ideally I should have 50% of each gender to gain a non biased result. This factor could be another reason attributed to the low score of 3D film preference. (as it was proven in my first survey that males prefer 3D to females) My next artefact will research if there is a genre bias when it comes to 3D films released.

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